August 2009

Everything HDR--All in One Place--Stanford Symposium

Stanford's Center for Image Systems along with Dolby Labs is hosting the ultimate HDR (High Dynamic Range) conference in a couple weeks. I'll be there speaking on a panel on tonemapping and more importantly the speaker and attendee list is a real who's who in the industry with Dick Lyon from Google, Michael Cohen from Microsoft Research, Ricardo Motta--the brains behind Pixims HDR video hardware, Greg Ward--HDR book author, and dozens of others.

Sony breaks the $2K barrier for Full Frame: Are they ready to take on Nikon & Canon?

Sony today introduced three new D-SLRs, ranging from the value priced A500 (APS-C sized sensor, 12MP for $749 list) up to the breakthrough A850 at a stunning full-frame 24MP for less than $2000. With these trend-setting prices is Sony ready to take on Nikon and Canon for leadership in the high-end of the camera market?...For the last 50 years various other brands have tried to challenge the hegemony of Nikon and Canon. One by one they have all fallen by the wayside, unable to overcome the tremendous distribution networks, product quality and breadth and customer loyalty of Nikon and Canon.

Adobe Camera Raw 5.5RC supports D3000, D300s

Buyers of the new Nikon D3000 and D300s can now get Raw file support in Photoshop by downloading the Adobe Camera Raw plug-in version 5.5 Release Candidate.

Take your HDR Photos to the next level with PhotoAcute

I've been getting ready for my appearance on a panel at the upcoming Standord Symposium on High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography by gathering some test images and experimenting with various HDR workflows. One tool I'm using is particularly interesting...PhotoAcute has as its major claim to fame the ability to increase the apparent resolution of an image by using several frames of the same scene and processing them into a double-resolution image.

Historic Woodside Stores, Nikon D700 HDR

Hopefully Photographing Perseid Meteor Showers Tonight

With any luck the sky will stay clear and I'll get some good photos of the Perseid meteor showers tonight. Three things make this infinitely easier than with the early digital SLRs like the D1:
1) Really long battery life so I don't need to fiddle with an expensive AC adapter
2) Built-in Intervalometer so I don't have to fiddle with a tethered solution
3) Much better long exposures (lower noise) so the images should need a lot less help when finished.

Titled message from

With a full text to try out

Support Myanmar & Aung San Suu Kyi: Visit!

About once a year the country of Myanmar (formerly Burma) becomes part of the world's consciousness. It is often not good news, whether it was the Nargis typhoon or recently the extension of the sentence of Aung San Suu Kyi. The shame of it is that it would be incredibly easy for Americans or any other caring citizens to take postive action but for the most part we are content to sit back & let our governments do their best. How can you help?...It is really as simple as visiting the country in a responsible manner.

Sony takes the Photographer out of Event Photography?

For $150 you can now buy a robot to photograph your next party. Sony is releasing a "Party-Shot" accessory for its two new low-light Cybershot cameras (TX1 & WX1) that is an automatic panning system which combines with their face detection and AI-based composition firmware to capture photos from an event.
